Ideum worked with Virgil Ortiz to honor the history of New Mexico, and set the scene of a futuristic revolution, with a video collaboration...
Ideum is pleased to announce the release of Tangible Engine 2.0, an extensive update to our object recognition software designed to run on Ideum touch displays...
Ideum’s Exploring Pueblo Pottery project pushes tech limits, offering new ways to explore Native American designs, history, and culture...
Ideum has partnered with the New Mexico BioPark Society to create a cutting-edge suite of educational exhibits for the upcoming Penguin Chill addition...
The tour will focus on a suite of interactive kiosks Ideum created in collaboration with Portrait Gallery staff...
We have seen an increasing number of requests for embedding our multitouch displays and AV control systems into custom exhibits, cabinetry, and furniture...
All Ideum multitouch tables and displays are equipped with a built-in RFID reader as standard equipment, in addition to other connectivity options...
Deeply immersive experiences engage multiple senses, especially in crowded spaces, helping visitors focus on content and forget about the technology.
Join Ideum at the annual conference of the American Library Association (ALA), booth 638 in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center...
Ideum has been headquartered in the Village of Corrales since 2005, and we are very proud to have our company based in the great state of New Mexico...