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Tangible Engine 2.0 Coming Later This Year

Work begins on new release of object recognition software.
Authored by
Jim Spadaccini
Founder & Creative Director

Almost exactly one year ago, we announced the release of Tangible Engine 1.5, an update to our object recognition software designed to work with Ideum touch tables. That 2017 release included multi-screen support and improved fidelity.

Since the release of TE 1.5, we’ve developed several innovative projects using this flexible software, including Planes of Fame and Can it Kill You?. We’ve also seen a number of exhibit design firms adopting Tangible Engine for their projects and using the software in very creative ways. If you haven’t seen our software in action, please visit the Tangible Engine website or read our white paper, The Evolution of Tangible User Interfaces.

We are now working through a list of new features for Tangible Engine 2.0. The new release will include simplifying the bindings for Unity3D development, improving performance across a wider range of screen sizes, and enhancing the object recognition qualities of the software. And we welcome your suggestions for ways to make TE 2.0 even stronger—so please reach out to us with your ideas at info@ideum.com. We’ll keep you informed as development continues and TE 2.0 gets closer to release.