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Keynote for Interactive Surfaces & Spaces Conference ‘23

A keynote presentation and a sneak peak at a new Ideum touch display
Authored by
Jim Spadaccini
Founder & Creative Director

The ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces conference in Pittsburgh is coming up fast. I will be delivering the opening keynote presentation on November 6. I'll be joined at the conference by a few other folks from Ideum, and we'll be bringing along a prototype display that will be released late this year. 

Experience Design - Reshaping Public Spaces with Digital Tools

As I mentioned earlier this summer, my presentation will focus on how lessons learned in the museum world can be used to help shape and evaluate new digital experiences. Museums have led the way for decades now in researching, evaluating, and creating public installations. At Ideum, we often use these criteria that pre-date the emergence of many of the technologies we now employ. The technology and design might be continuously evolving, but in many cases, public audiences and some of their expectations remain the same as they always have been. 

I am also going to look at the technologies that enabled both surface computing and “spaces.” Often there are few enabling technologies that lead to these larger design approaches. I have intimate knowledge of the evolution of touch tables as our company has been involved since 2008, not long after the emergence of the first touch tables in 2007. For spaces, the laser projection and automated controls that arrived around the turn of the century seem to be prerequisites to types of installations that we see today. While Ideum became involved in that technology later, we have had some memorable installations that use projection and LED tiles. 

The evolution of these technologies help guide the technical and often the design approach to our projects. Museum evaluation tools can also shape how Ideum designs and builds our installations and exhibits. I will be sharing some examples of our work that reflects this process. To learn more about my keynote see: Experience Design - Reshaping Public Spaces with Digital Tools

Optically Bonded Display 

Finally, we have a new, bright and beautiful, optically bonded display that will be available (in limited quantities) late this year. This new 55” display uses an 80-touch point TES (3M) sensor with a 4K LG commercial display, and will have a sleek new frame design. We will have the first prototype of a Platform II touch table with this new screen on display during the conference. We look forward to seeing you there!