Who is Ideum

Our 40+ employees form an interdisciplinary team that includes designers, software developers, hardware engineers, A/V media specialists, educators, and scientists.
Lauren Distler
Director of Fabrication

Lauren is the Director of Fabrication at Ideum where she oversees the group that produces custom exhibits, unique touch tables, and other fabricated items for our clients around the world. Prior to working at Ideum, Lauren was an exhibit developer at Explora Science Center where she designed and fabricated a variety of custom exhibits for a STEM career focused exhibition and served as a subject matter expert for water and energy related exhibits. Additionally, Lauren has experience managing complex engineering projects and is passionate about public education through thoughtful design and meaningful scientific outreach. Lauren holds a B.S. in Engineering from James Madison University, and Masters Degrees in Water Resources (M.W.R.) and Community and Regional Planning (M.C.R.P.) from the University of New Mexico.