Fantastical Alien Adventures Await at the Roswell International UFO Museum


Roswell International UFO Museum and Research Center


Roswell, NM

Voyagers from far-off places visiting the Roswell International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico should prepare to have a close encounter with two brand new theme park-inspired interactive media experiences! Ideum recently worked in close collaboration with the UFO Museum to create a pair of entertaining and informative digital interactives that share NASA research and archival footage in a playful new way.

Ideum went out of this world to create an experience that simulates an alien spaceship crash landing. In the Impact Simulator, visitors have a front-row seat to the Roswell Impact Incident. In a darkened room, visitors discover a mysterious interstellar view and a scene very much like the bridge of a spaceship. Visitors can press the big red button to begin an immersive experience that depicts a fantastical scenario with the visitors taking on the role of alien explorers who chart a course to Earth and crash land. Throughout the experience, a narrator provides additional contextual information about the incident and its history.

The simulation is brought to life on five 4K 86” displays mounted in portrait edge-to-edge and combined into a single 10800x3840 viewport. A 3.1 sound system provides stereo audio and a strong subwoofer channel for deeper sound effects. A DMX lighting system provides back-illumination to the screens and serves to enhance the visual experience. Instead of a dedicated app, the Impact Simulator uses MadMapper for its show control. The immersive AV experience was designed, integrated, and installed by our AV specialists.

Before visitors crash land their way back into Roswell, they also have the experience to put on the helmet of alien surveyors in the Galactic Explorer search game. Brought to life on three 65” Ideum Presenter touch displays, visitors discover interstellar mysteries and scour the far reaches of the greater cosmos in search of life beyond.

Choosing between three reaches of space and two modes of play, visitors drag their finger across a hex grid to discover clues, find power-ups, and avoid hazards all before their energy is depleted. Once a visitor has found all eight clues or exhausted their power supply, they will see a detailed “findings” screen that includes NASA-based information about the possibilities of life beyond Earth. Players who have discovered all eight can add up to three initials to the leaderboard.

We had a blast creating these fun and unique immersive experiences for the Roswell UFO Museum and we hope they will entertain and excite visitors for years to come.