In 2019, our company accomplished a lot. We developed innovative new exhibits, explored new technologies, and advanced new hardware and software products...
We are excited to be exhibiting at Digital Signage Expo (DSE) in Las Vegas in 2020. Join us later this year at booth 1122 at the Las Vegas Convention Center...
Our current Drafting Touch Table is about to become a “classic!” A new design, the Drafting II, is coming early in 2020 and will become our primary drafting-style unit...
An Ideum 65” Drafting table was donated to the Sandoval Economic Alliance (SEA). Ideum is proud to support SEA’s efforts to further the economic interests...
Ideum is pleased to join the CF Padilla - Brycon, Formative Architecture, and Weddel Gillmore team to design and build educational exhibits for the new Visitor Center...